Saturday, July 9, 2011

Looking to improve your essay writing skills

Here are some tips for writing with this type of organization:

  1. Make sure you distinguish clearly between cause and effect. It’s not uncommon to confuse the two, especially once you’re dealing with a whole lot of information on the table.
  2. Make sure you have a valid cause and effect relationship. Two things can merely follow each other, such as day and night. One doesn’t cause another — be vigilant about ensuring that when you’re writing this type of essay.
  3. Make sure your cause is sufficient to create the effect. Remember that a cause can be merely contributory, making it insufficient when presented as a cause all on its own. A cause can also be unnecessary, meaning other things can lead to the same result.
  4. Use either a chronological or reverse-chronological order. Those two are the most natural for conveying a cause and effect relationship. Sticking with either of the two is usually enough — no need to get fancy.
  5. Be careful not to overstate your case. Many cause and effect relationships cannot be proven to be 100% accurate. In those cases, don’t word your language in absolutes. Use qualifiers to set more appropriate parameters.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post Rama Krishna. You are looking to make your blog world class.
