Monday, September 29, 2014

Datastage Training Online For low Cost

Ready to teach Datastage online 6 AM to 7:30 AM IST for low cost @3000 Rs per candidate.
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Saturday, August 27, 2011

DataStage Director receives errors and aborts when trying to browse folders.


In DataStage Director, the following errors occur when try to view folders in a project:

Error calling subroutine: DSR_EXECJOB (Action=5); check DataStage is set up correctly in project (The connection is broken (81002))

Error calling subroutine: *DataStage*DSR_SELECT (Action=3); check DataStage is set up correctly in project (The connection is broken (81002))


The errors were received because the Logging Agent was not running.

Diagnosing the problem

  1. Check permission's on the project. Verify the user has RWX permission's on the files in the project.
  2. Verify the Agents, Logging Agent and ASB Agent, are running:

Resolving the problem

To start the Agents:

Sunday, July 31, 2011

How to use ms excel file in datastage?

Firstly the first row in excel file should have column names. After you prepared your excel file with the data you want to be loaded in to the table, Convert the excel file to CSV format. Then using WINSCP tool i.e SFTP file transfer you can transfer the CSV file from local system to the server.

Secondly after transferring you can access the CSV file in datastage by using sequential file.Open the sequential file and map or locate the CSV file.

Finally you can compile and run the job.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Looking to improve your essay writing skills

Here are some tips for writing with this type of organization:

  1. Make sure you distinguish clearly between cause and effect. It’s not uncommon to confuse the two, especially once you’re dealing with a whole lot of information on the table.
  2. Make sure you have a valid cause and effect relationship. Two things can merely follow each other, such as day and night. One doesn’t cause another — be vigilant about ensuring that when you’re writing this type of essay.
  3. Make sure your cause is sufficient to create the effect. Remember that a cause can be merely contributory, making it insufficient when presented as a cause all on its own. A cause can also be unnecessary, meaning other things can lead to the same result.
  4. Use either a chronological or reverse-chronological order. Those two are the most natural for conveying a cause and effect relationship. Sticking with either of the two is usually enough — no need to get fancy.
  5. Be careful not to overstate your case. Many cause and effect relationships cannot be proven to be 100% accurate. In those cases, don’t word your language in absolutes. Use qualifiers to set more appropriate parameters.